

CARABOBO - VALENCIA/Maduro: I am the only candidate with a plan that guarantees peace and stability in the country

“The 1x10 as we have organized it is an atomic bomb,” said Maduro

Published at: 23/07/2024 07:26 PM

The candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution, Nicolás Maduro, maintained that he has the moral to request the support of the Venezuelan people to achieve the victory of next July 28, in the Presidential Election, “I am the only candidate who is not a puppet of anyone.”

“I don't come from the oligarchies, my blood isn't blue, it's red, red, like the blood of humble people,” he said.

He emphasized that “I have the moral to tell you, residents of Carabobo, that I am the only candidate who has a plan, a project that guarantees peace and stability in this country.”

“I ask for your vote, I ask for your support to win the elections on July 28 and for peace to triumph,” he said.

The statement was made in the municipality of Valencia, in the state of Carabobo, on the occasion of the closing of his electoral campaign, on the way to the Presidential Election, on Sunday, July 28.

He also assured that he will not allow fascism to reach Venezuela, in that sense, he ratified the importance of 1x10x7, “the peace of the country depends on you, and we have formed the largest, most powerful and best organized 1x10 in our entire history.”

“The 1x10 as we have it organized is an atomic bomb,” he stressed.

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