

CARABOBO - VALENCIA/Governor Lacava to the patarucos: The people of Nicolás are going to roll them around 1 and 100 times

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in the state of Carabobo
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 06/06/2024 12:57 PM

The governor and political leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in Carabobo state, Rafael Lacava, highlighted this Thursday the defeat that the People will inflict on the right in the presidential elections on July 28.

From the south of Valencia, during a massive march in support of President Nicolás Maduro, Lacava said that hope is in the street and the people “have entered into combat to tell the gringos, to the last names, to tell the patarucos and the dreary, not to dress up and not to go”.

“Here is this state and here is Valencia so that we can say in unison from here to all of Venezuela and everyone who rules here is the People and it is the People of Nicolás who are going to wallow them 1 and 100 more times,” he emphasized.

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