

CANTV restored services to 500 families in La Guaira

Cantv continues to work to bring telephone and internet services to Venezuelan families
Photo: CANTV

Published at: 27/04/2024 08:26 AM

CANTV restored telecommunications services to the state of La Guaira to more than 500 families living in the blocks of La Aviación, Carlos Soublette parish.

According to a press release from the telephone company, the work carried out included the reconstruction of cable joints affected by acts of vandalism in the area, replacement of 750 meters of networks and connectivity tests.

The approach was carried out through coordination with the organized community of the town, in response to user reports made through the VenApp of 1x10 of Good Governance.

In this regard, CANTV urged the community in general to denounce acts of theft, theft, vandalism or sabotage against telecommunications networks through the telephone numbers 0800 Antenas (2683627) and VE N 911.

Mazo News Team