

CANTV re-established telecommunications services in various parishes in the country

In response to reports through the VenApp of the 1x10 Good Governance System

Published at: 05/02/2024 09:06 PM

Technical teams from the National Anonymous Telephone Company of Venezuela (CANTV) restored telecommunications services to a significant number of families in various parishes of the country, who reported their requests through the VenApp of the 1x10 Good Governance System.

In its account on the social network X, CANTV, indicated that 200 homes and institutions were served in the community of San Pablito, Caricuao parish, through the deployment of the Failure Resolution Plan.

He pointed out that the work carried out by the company's technical crews included the maintenance and optimization of networks, as part of the articulation with the Popular Power that lives in the said location.

In the same way, CANTV workers visited the “Juan Bautista Arismendi” Educational Unit, where they carried out the installation of new services such as Aba Ultra, among others, with the objective of ensuring the connectivity of students belonging to this institution.

It also reported that in January 2024, the CANTV Blue Force in Cojedes restored telecommunications to 500 homes, businesses and institutions. In the same way, it activated services to about 15 families in various locations.

“These actions were framed in the framework of care through the 1x10 System of Good Governance,” he said.

He also indicated that, as part of the care provided by CANTV, it carried out technical work in La Guaira to restore telecommunications services to users of the Maiquetía, Caraballeda and Macuto parishes.

Other works carried out in La Guaira were in Ciudad Caribia, to restore telecommunications services to local families.

Also in the state of Guárico, in January 2024, it restored telecommunications to more than 1,600 homes, businesses and institutions, within the framework of Plan #ResoluciónAveríasCantv and the aforementioned system.
The works were carried out through coordination with the Popular Power and in the localities El Mercado, Paso Real de Macaira, Misión Arriba, José Francisco Torrealba, Retumbo and 5 de Julio housing estate.
In Aragua, the company restored telecommunications services to more than 2,570 homes, businesses and public institutions through various tasks in the transmission media.

During this period, the Blue Force also installed fixed telephony and Internet to more than 400 new users.

Mazo News Team