

CANTV provides care to Achaguas communities in Apure

Work to improve connectivity in the area
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 10/02/2024 12:05 PM

The CANTV Community Plan is advancing in Achaguas, Apure state, through comprehensive telecommunications care for users in residential and productive areas, based on the deployment of a multidisciplinary team from the Blue Force and in coordination with the People's Power.

The approach is developed in response to reports made through the VenApp 1x10 Good Governance application and the virtual assistant Cati.

Through a company note from the state telephone company, it became known that the technical staff has installed fixed telephony to more than 70 families and continues to work to guarantee this service and ABA Internet to more homes and businesses.

Crews also carry out preventive and corrective maintenance on the transmission media, with the purpose of gradually restoring and optimizing the provision of services.

In the same order of action, more than 70 inhabitants of different localities had the opportunity to manage procedures and requirements, as well as new subscribers to purchase Wi-Fi modem equipment for the enjoyment of the ABA service, through the Itinerant Point in the telephone exchange.

Mazo News Team