

CANTV advances in the installation of Fiber Optics in Zulia

Cantv continues to work to bring telephone and internet services to Venezuelan families
Photo: CANTV

Published at: 30/03/2024 06:50 PM

During the month of March, CANTV advanced with the deployment of GPON technology, through its product Aba Ultra, in the municipalities: Maracaibo, San Francisco, Lagunillas and Simón Bolívar in the state of Zulia, working together with communities, within the framework of the care provided through the 1x10 system of Good Governance.

According to a press release from the telephone company, in Maracaibo, the installation of the Aba Ultra service continues at Residencias Sudamericana, Cristo de Aranza parish, where it is estimated to connect more than 2,000 homes. While in the Venancio Pulgar parish, in the Tierra Negra sector, it is planned to connect more than 5,300 users progressively.

On the other hand, in the Lagunillas municipality, more than 600 homes in the Fabricio Ojeda GMVV housing complex enjoy the Aba Ultra service. The goal is to connect 2,000 homes, in a first stage.

Additionally, in the Simón Bolívar municipality, a multidisciplinary team during a meeting with the community of the Rafael María Baralt parish, agreed to soon provide Aba Ultra to more than 1,000 homes in the Ciudad Bolívar Los Apartamentos housing complex.

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