

Candidate Maduro: Venezuela is at the forefront of building a multipolar world (+7T)

Candidate for re-election, Nicolás Maduro
Presidential Press Photo

Published at: 25/07/2024 12:56 PM

This Thursday, July 25, the candidate for re-election Nicolás Maduro reaffirmed his commitment to the transformation of geopolitics and the multipolar world contemplated in the Plan of the Seven Transformations.

Venezuela has taken, in an exemplary way, an international path designed with its own head and foot, we have our own Bolivarian diplomacy and peace, we are at the forefront of building an emerging geopolitics for a new multipolar and multicentric world,” said Maduro during a message to the nation ahead of the elections of July 28.

He also reaffirmed that within the framework of the Q7 Plan, Venezuela will continue working to be part of the BRICS; as well as in the recovery and consolidation of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), in the expansion of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) and in the definitive recovery of the Union of South American Nations (U NASUR).

He stressed that for this it is necessary to continue bringing investment and providing the country with the most advanced technology in the world, “as well as guaranteeing large and new markets for domestic producers, new actors, businesses and currencies are being born in the world and we will move towards the multiplication of fair and truly free trade”.

In the same way, he stressed that the Great Mission Back to the Fatherland will also be consolidated, “so that all our brothers and sisters who had to migrate to seek an alternative to economic war and sanctions return (...) all our compatriots who migrated yearn to return to their homeland because Venezuela is the land of equality, happiness and opportunities.”

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