

Canada's International Manifesto Group maintains its solidarity with Venezuela

Representative of the Canadian Manifesto International group, Alan Freeman
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Published at: 10/06/2024 11:49 AM

This Monday, June 10, the representative of the International Manifesto Group of Canada, Alan Freeman, assured that from their ranks they maintain their solidarity with Venezuela in the face of the illegal sanctions imposed by his country, the United States and the European Union (EU).

In this regard, during the discussion on Forms of Organization of the Bolivarian Revolution with leaders of social movements and political parties around the world, he assured that Social Movements in Canada have called for an end to sanctions against Venezuela because they are illegal. “They were not approved by the United Nations or even by our Parliament, but rather they are decisions that have been taken in secret behind the back of legality,” he said.

He recalled that in 2018, the Government of Canada intended to “bring a case against Venezuela to the International Court of Justice because they had strong evidence, this was in 2018, we are still waiting for that evidence.” At the same time, he condemned the double standards of his Government, which “allows illegal anti-democratic sanctions to be imposed on the Venezuelan civilian population, but they are unable to take serious measures to stop the murder of thousands of Israeli women and children,” he said.

He reaffirmed that they have come to understand that “what we recognize as democracy, they (the United States, Canada and the EU) call dictatorship, but their own governments operate in an arbitrary and dictatorial way and call them democracy”.

For this reason, they reaffirmed their solidarity with Venezuela, as well as the recognition of the People. “Our solidarity is not only due to the heroism of your people but to the true democracy of your system of government,” he said.

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