

CAICARA - MONAGAS/The force of love and loyalty of the people of Caicareño overwhelmed the streets in a massive march (+Photos)

Great march held in support of the Head of State and rejection of the US blockade
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 04/05/2024 01:59 PM

This Saturday, May 4, the streets of Caicara in Monagas state were filled with an immense red tide, when the people marched in favor of the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and in rejection of the blockade imposed by the United States on the country.

At the head of the mobilization, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) walked in the company of the governor of the entity, Ernesto Luna and other representatives of the red awning and the regional popular leadership.

At the end of the mobilization, Cabello addressed the town. He told them that the opposition “wants exclusion and to impose that system on the country.”

Likewise, the psuvist leader criticized the cowardice of opposition extremism that tries to hide the fact that his candidate “is the candidate of the gringos”.

The people of Caicara were disciplined and in perfect harmony heard the words of the leader of the red awning, who was accompanied by the governor of the entity Ernesto Luna and representatives of the PSUV.

In his words, Diosdado Cabello indicated that “we are in maximum union”, referring to the militancy of the PSUV and allied parties.

In addition, Cabello explained that “imperialism sees what it does with its candidate because the People have their own and it's called Nicolás Maduro.

The first vice-president of the PSUV called on young people to assume and play their rightful role in the revolution.

The leader of the red awning toured the streets together with the people and thanked them for their expressions of affection and loyalty.

Cabello recalled that the candidate of the extreme right does not like women, indigenous peoples, sex diversity and people of African descent. “He's a coward!” , he sentenced

He also indicated that “the unity of the Chavista People is above anything” and stressed that this type of action confirms this.

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