

CAICARA - MONAGAS/Gobernador Luna: Here the Bolivarian Revolution wins!

March in rejection of sanctions
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 04/05/2024 12:35 PM

“We are 86 days away from a new battle for a Bolivarian victory. In Monagas, the Bolivarian Revolution wins!” This was stated by the governor of Monagas, Ernesto Luna, at the end of a march that took place this Saturday morning, May 4, in the state's Cedeño municipality, in rejection of the U.S. blockade of the country.

“Once again we Bolivarians and Chavistas are facing an empire and we say to the historic enemies of the revolution, to the internal stateless, to the lackeys and to the North American empire that: They will not return! And they will not return because there is a people who are courageous and resilient in resisting attacks,” he said.

He stressed that “before these pretensions of the enemies since Monagas, we tell our president (Nicolás) Maduro, that we have a victorious, heroic and Bolivarian people. Here 200 years ago, the disloyal were killed and today, once again, we are facing an empire.”

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