

CAICARA - MONAGAS/Diosdado Cabello: We revolutionaries must profess absolute loyalty

He alerted the people to the campaign being waged by opposition extremism to attract voters
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 04/05/2024 01:33 PM

Diosdado Cabello urged the country's revolutionaries to profess absolute loyalty to the Bolivarian Revolution and to President Nicolás Maduro.

At the end of the mobilization of the People of Caicara in Monagas state, held this Saturday, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) highlighted the efforts made by President Nicolás Maduro to guarantee the food and health of the people in times of pandemic and imperialist aggression.

“Nicolás has been with the People; Nicolás was the one who did everything possible and impossible to bring the vaccines in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and when they arrived, were they asked if it was Chavista or not? To no one! And it wasn't a vaccine, no, there were up to four that were possible.

He alerted the people to the campaign being waged by opposition extremism to attract voters.

“They want to disguise themselves as the humble people that they harassed and tried to humiliate, of that people whom they have excluded all their lives, and now they come to ask for their vote,” he criticized while insisting on the importance of professing loyalty”because the right wing doesn't know about love for the people, they know how to be surrendering, disloyal,” he warned.

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