

CAICARA - MONAGAS/Cabello: Young people must assume their proper role in the Revolution

“In that image of Commander Chávez, the Fatherland is expressed,” he said
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 04/05/2024 01:06 PM

From the city of Caicara in the state of Monagas, Diosdado Cabello urged young people to prepare to take over the reins of the Bolivarian Revolution.

This was expressed during his speech at the close of the mobilization in rejection of United States sanctions and in support of President Nicolás Maduro, where he highlighted the example of Commander Hugo Chávez and his love for the people.

“In that image of Commander Chávez, the Homeland is expressed,” he said, stating that the legacy of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution “lives in the soul of the youth who love this Homeland.”

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