

CAICARA - MONAGAS/Cabello: We demand that the U.S. government lift the blockade and sanctions!

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the PSUV
Photo: Internet

Published at: 04/05/2024 01:38 PM

This Saturday, from the state of Monagas, the Caicara community marched with the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, who assured that the opposition has never asked for an end to sanctions and the blockade against the country.

“Has anyone come out to say that sanctions harm the people? None! We demand that the United States (US) government lift the blockade and sanctions against Venezuela,” he said.

He also pointed out: “This town here has resisted, but not thrown in a chinchorro, this people have resisted in permanent battle, in permanent combat... This people know how to fight and they also know how to win.”

In this regard, he called for preparing for the battle “They could go through their files, because of their history of violence and we have told them neither by hook nor by crook”.

“When we say with Chávez and Maduro the People are on the street, we are saying the Bolivarian, Chavista and revolutionary people are on the street to defend the Homeland,” he said.

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