

Cabello: When the right wing ruled Venezuela, the poor had no right to study

III National Meeting of the Network of Young Parliamentarians of Venezuela 2024
Photo: MPPRIJP Press

Published at: 26/09/2024 04:44 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, stated that when the right wing governed the country, the poor did not have access to a place in the university.

“Ask your parents, grandparents, what it was like here to study before,” Cabello urged, during the 3rd National Meeting of the Network of Young Parliamentarians of Venezuela 2024.

He said that in Venezuela many young people were killed for claiming the right to study. “It was a society of accomplices, there is not a single person prosecuted for the 11,000 murders against young people and that was called democracy. That's not democracy, that's fascism,” he emphasized.

A said that the current governments considered students a threat just because they claimed the right to study.

Commander Hugo Chávez ended that when he began to recognize the rights of men and women, to give them power and participation,” he said.

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