

Cabello: What is at stake in the elections is that this remains a free and sovereign country

Meeting with the Venezuela Nuestra National Campaign Command
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 09/06/2024 05:10 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, said that with the presidential elections on July 28, what is at stake is whether this country is free, sovereign and independent or falls into the hands of imperial powers.

“We have to make sure they don't come back (the stateless right), this is a hard-built victory and we give courage to a hard-fought victory,” said Cabello Rondón, during the Meeting with the National Command of Our Venezuela Campaign.

In that regard, he affirmed that he is sure that the Bolivarian Revolution will be victorious, “because we are the sum of nationalist Venezuelans, who would never agree to hand over the country to foreign powers.”

“Revolutionaries would never agree to jeopardize the peace that has cost us so hard to build, we would never be willing to return to the times of violence in the streets of Guarimba and persecution,” said Cabello Rondón.

He also insisted that permanent contact is necessary, since 1 X 10 is everyday, “because today it is an electoral 1X10, but after July 28 it must become a social 1X10, of a friend, of brothers, and solve problems together.”

“We hope to continue adding the effort, the affection and the will of the brothers who are in any part of the country and that at some point, thanks to the manipulation, to the media effort made by the opposition, they could have put themselves on the sidelines of the Bolivarian Revolution; this is the time to visit them, call them, accompany them and tell them: Here we are all together to move forward,” he added.

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