

Cabello: We will take to the streets, as one, to defend the Revolution! (+UPPAZ)

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 02/05/2024 12:19 PM

This Thursday, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, in the company of the People and the governor of Falcón state, Víctor Clark, were present at the mobilization in rejection of the sanctions imposed by the United States (USA).

“We will take to the streets, as one, to defend the Revolution and to defend the Fatherland, if they decide to leave as they are prepared, on the side of violence. We will catch them in the downhill and they will find us!” , said Cabello

He also urged the activation of the Popular Units for Peace (UPPAZ) so that “there are no voids and so we guarantee peace in the small; when we guarantee peace in the small, we are guaranteeing peace in the big”.

“I am proud and happy! It was worth it to drive here, to meet you, to feel people, to embrace them, because when you embrace a woman, you embrace all the women of Falcón State, when you embrace a young man, you embrace all young people, just like a peasant and together we are embracing Chávez,” said the first vice-president of the PSUV.

Finally, he added: “With Chávez and Maduro in the streets, we are going to the streets, we are going to the revolutionary victory!”

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