

Cabello: We want peaceful elections and whoever seeks to intervene we are going to send them to hell

He argued that July 28th is a momentous date because what happens in Venezuela will impact Latin America, the Caribbean and much of the world
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 20/06/2024 07:03 PM

“We want to go to an electoral process in peace, that they let Venezuelan women decide, that the gringos and the European Union don't get involved, that they don't stick their noses where they shouldn't, that they don't come with a supremacist air because we're going to send them all to hell.”

With these words, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, confirmed the position of the revolutionary forces regarding the rejection of the interventionist pretensions of the United States and its European allies over the presidential election of July 28.

During the broadcast of his Con El Mazo Dando program, number 381, he stressed that Venezuela is a free, sovereign and independent country, so he urged the lackey candidates of imperialism to respect institutions.

“If you win, you won and if you lose, you lose,” he emphasized while reiterating his complaint about the violent plans being prepared by opposition extremism, with María Corina Machado as the main promoter, after ignoring the electoral results issued by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

“They are going to sing fraud,” he said and called for not giving in to the lies of the imperialist candidate and the sanctions.

“Inmundo learned to kill, what will it matter to him to lie now,” he said, recalling the background of this character known for his misogyny, racism and classism.

“In the 80s, I worked at the Venezuelan Embassy in El Salvador and together with Leopoldo Castillo they murdered (...) a group of nuns, priests and social leaders, in the years 81, 82 and up to 84,” he said.

Nicolás es Pueblo

He pointed out that, contrary to the candidate for sanctions, the President of the Republic and standard-bearer of the revolutionary forces, Nicolás Maduro, has been a protector of the people against the aggressions of imperialism and its allies in Europe.

He also stressed that these efforts of President Maduro have been because he is part of the People whom the surnames asked to punish for resisting and fighting.

“Nicolás doesn't need to disguise himself as a people, because he belongs to the people. He is part of us, he grew up in a neighborhood, he knows the streets, he knows about political work, he knows the difficulties that young Venezuelans go through,” he said.

The patarucos don't defend their country

As an example of the surrendering essence of the opposition sector, he cited the case of the dispossession of the Venezuelan company CITGO.

If there is one thing that the right has, it is that they are united in favor of surrendering the country. The nine patarucos are exactly the same, they don't defend their backyard, that is, they don't defend their country, they are very cowardly, they have no personality. That's what unites the opposition, their desire to hand over the country,” he said.

On CITGO, he drew attention to the silence that exists between opposition extremism, the main culprits of the handing over of this asset of all Venezuelans to foreign transnationals.

“The truth is that the Venezuelan opposition does not want to talk about it and they are even opposed to a verdict in the short term, not because it doesn't interest them, but because of the political moment of the presidential campaign and the risk that voters will blame them,” he said and revealed that some, such as Carlos Vecchio, Leopoldo López and José Ignacio Hernández, will receive million-dollar commissions for this dispossession.

This People has a higher conscience

Cabello stressed that despite all these aggressions, the Venezuelan people have resisted and advanced, with conscience as their main engine.

“The Venezuelan people have a higher level of consciousness,” he exalted and stressed that “this has allowed the people not only to endure and resist, but above all, to triumph.”

In view of this, he argued that July 28 is a momentous date because what happens in Venezuela will impact Latin America, the Caribbean and much of the world.”

“We must continue to set an example, to continue celebrating,” he urged.

Boric's fool

The also president of the Permanent Committee on Internal Policy of the National Assembly, criticized the interventionist behavior of the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, whom he described as a “fool” and accused him of sabotaging the yearnings for change for which the Chilean people took to the streets.

“This fool messes with Venezuela and is unable to govern his own country,” he said and asserted that it was Boric who “sabotaged the creation of a real Constitution for Chile, ended up negotiating with the extreme right so that they wouldn't touch Pinochet's Constitution.”

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