

Cabello: We have been in endurance, active resistance and victory for 25 years

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 01/02/2024 05:18 PM

During his program Con el Mazo Dando No. 463, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) , Diosdado Cabello, emphasized that in 2024 the Bolivarian Revolution celebrates 25 years “of endurance, active resistance and victory”.

In that regard, he recalled that on February 2, 1999, Commander Hugo Chávez arrived to change the history of the Fatherland. “There were a lot of people here who were losing their sight and it was Chávez with Misión Milagro, who knocked on their door (...) we have a Homeland thanks to Chávez and imperialism does not forgive that,” he said.

In addition, he stressed that Chavism, unlike the opposition, “has always been inclusive, calling for the lifting of the independent Homeland and consolidating participatory and leading democracy.”

“ That's why the opposition is afraid of Socialism,” he asserted and stressed that we are going to celebrate “the first 25 years of the first century, the one who understood, understood”.

He also reaffirmed the words of the Commander, who assured that many things could be done only along the path of the Revolution; for this reason, remembering him, he indicated that we must follow his example and his instruction to defend the Bolivar Project “not because of what we have achieved, but because of what we are going to achieve, because of what we are going to do.”

For this reason, he assured that in Venezuela the only transition that comes and exists is to socialism. “There is no other transition (...) and we are not going to capitulate, we are going backwards (...) neither by hook nor by crook, they will not return”.

They won't scare us

Faced with the attacks and threats of imperialism and its lackeys, the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution stressed that this does not frighten the revolutionary forces of our country.

“I guarantee you , they won't scare us (...) I'm going to repeat it a thousand times the United States or any country in the world tries something against Venezuela, we're going against its lackeys here, at this point we don't care about anything,” he said.

In turn, he questioned the double standard of the North American empire by opposing the decisions of political disqualification of some representatives of the extremist right, who from their position called for aggressions, sanctions and invasions for Venezuela. At the same time, he mentioned that in the United States those who participate in actions like these are sentenced to the death penalty.

“ That's what their laws establish, no one in the world criticizes them for their laws, but they like to stick their noses where no one calls them, they like to be professional tricks,” he said.

For this reason, he pointed out to imperialism and its lackey María Corina Machado that the issue of disqualification is not because they do not want to measure themselves against it, but rather that “it is a problem that they have to answer to justice (...) We are not afraid of anything or anyone ma'am, leave that story behind.” In addition, he pointed out that characters like them are the ones who incite the United States to promote sanctions against the Homeland.

He also supported the statements of the president of the National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, who urged the gringo government not to set a deadline for complying with the agreements. “'Do it once and for all, Yankee shit, 'Jorge told them very clearly, do it once and for all if you want (...) they don't scare us,” he said.

In this way, he stressed that the Bolivarian Revolution has been through so many things, “that is not what scares us, we are afraid of failing the People, the country, the Fatherland, that is why we make efforts day and night not to fail them and that is why we remain united.”

Israel is carrying out genocide

The member of the National Assembly (AN) also condemned the silence of international organizations against the genocide being perpetrated by Israel in the world.

“ There is genocide there, genocide is being perpetrated, the Zionist government of Israel is carrying out genocide, not just in Gaza now, anywhere,” he said.

He also questioned the fact that the United Nations (UN) misrepresented South Africa's statements. “They were asking to stop the genocide,” he reaffirmed.

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