

Cabello: We don't know how many people Henry López Sisco killed in the Fourth Republic because they were disappearing

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 08/05/2024 08:08 PM

Diosdado Cabello, during the Con El Mazo Dando program, assured that Henry López Sisco is a murderer, a fugitive from justice who committed crimes against humanity organized by the Venezuelan State during the Fourth Republic.

During the so-called Yumare Massacre, López Sisco, in charge of the military operation, said that he was wounded with a Lightweight Automatic Rifle (FAL) in the chest during the confrontation with the alleged guerrilla fighters.

“That doesn't exist, a shot with an FAL in the chest and you die, coward López Sisco, you didn't even show your face to your own people, but we don't know how many people he killed because he disappeared them,” he reported.

38 years after the Yumare Massacre, the repressive and mercenary violence of the Fourth Republic murdered nine social leaders and left-wing militants, who were captured and later killed by a command of the Army and the Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services (Disip), under the orders of the then commissioner Henry López Sisco, in the adeco government of Jaime Lusinchi.

The incident occurred in the Barlovento sector, La Vaca hamlet of the current Manuel Monge municipality, in the state of Yaracuy, where Rafael Ramón Quevedo Infante, Ronald José Morao Salgado, Nelson Martín Castellano Díaz, Dilia Antonia Rojas, Luis Rafael Guzmán Green, José Rosendo Silva Medina, Pedro Pablo Jiménez García, Simón José Romero Madriz and Alfredo Caicedo Castillo were reported murdered.

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