

Cabello: We can ensure peace throughout the national territory (+28J)

First vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 26/07/2024 03:12 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, exalted this Friday the territorialization of the red awning to guarantee peace in the country, in the face of the violent actions that the extreme right is trying to promote

During a meeting with international supporters in the elections next Sunday, July 28, Cabello highlighted that the PSUV has an “ active presence in 47,000 communities in this country. And when I say active presence, he's not a boss, no, he's a boss with a work team and each of those communities has a street, which leads us to have an active presence in 270,000 streets in this country.”

In this regard, he pointed out that “the right wing knows this, today we can say that we can ensure peace throughout the national territory. Because the right wing today threatens and they say that they are going to stay in the electoral centers, we too, in all of them, not in 10, in all of us are going to stay and our people are going to stay there to verify, accompany the voters, accompany the ballots and stay in the streets to ensure peace throughout the national territory.”

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