

Cabello: We are ready for when the CNE says and the US has no candle in this burial

He dismissed the threats of ignorance of the process made by the US government
With the Giving Deck

Published at: 08/02/2024 03:11 PM

“From the National Assembly, political and social factors are going to make a date proposal, in the end the National Electoral Council (CNE) decides, but I'm going to tell you something, if the CNE determines that the elections are in March, we are ready for March, April or December.”

This was emphasized by the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, during the broadcast of the 464th edition of his program Con el Mazo Dando, where he emphasized the level of organization achieved by the revolutionary forces in the face of this electoral process.

He dismissed the threats of ignorance of the process made by the United States government and recalled that these elections will be held in compliance with the constitutional mandate. “The gringos don't have a candle in this burial,” he emphasized.

He drew attention to the change in the discourse of opposition extremism who, during the months of November, December and January, promoted campaigns urging us to present the electoral schedule with dates “and now they are scared to give us a date”.

He stated that for the extremist sector of the Venezuelan opposition, elections are an opportunity to make money, which explains the struggle waged by the leaders to be nominated as candidates with the backing of the United States.

“For them, elections are a personal problem to generate money for them,” he said while reiterating his support for the decision of the Venezuelan justice system to ratify the disqualification of María Corina Machado.

Regarding the extremist who has pointed out that “without me there will be no elections”, he ironized, pointing out that “everyone here has the right to disguise themselves as they want, but at carnival, although there is an opposition lady who wants to disguise herself as a presidential candidate, although in reality she has been wearing that costume for about 25 years”.

“You're not going!” , stressed and insisted on the importance of popular organization and the strengthening of civic-military union to confront and defeat the plans of violence that this disqualified extremist seeks to promote.

He criticized the victimist position taken by these violent sectors in the face of announcements of the activation of the Bolivarian Fury by revolutionary forces.

“They look bad at it, but when they see your face straight, they get scared. They call for invasions, they threaten, they ask for blockades, they attack assassinations and coups, they do everything, but when you say 'Bolivarian Fury! ' , they say that we are threatening them and we are the bad guys,” he said.

Guyana fails to comply

The also deputy and president of the Permanent Committee on Internal Policy of the National Assembly (AN), referred to the constant threats and provocations promoted by the government of Guyana in violation of the agreements reached with the mediation of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and CARICOM, as well as the support of Brazil.

Guyana continues to flout the agreements, it continues to provoke. We are taking note of everything and at the right time we will present it,” he said and, addressing Exxon Mobil, emphasized that “not a drop of oil will get out of here.”

We are an example of democracy

Faced with constant questioning by imperialism and its European allies against the Venezuelan democratic system, he stressed that “Venezuela is a sample and example of participatory and leading democracy”

He exemplified that these attacks are carried out “even by the rulers of countries with archaic voting systems.”

“Those who criticize the Venezuelan system are sad when in countries like the United States they held elections three years ago and they still don't know the result of those elections,” he stressed.

He stressed that one of the greatest demonstrations of the strength of Venezuelan democracy is that “here there is debate and elections every day because communal councils vote every day because it is a participatory and leading democracy.”

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