

Cabello: We are in perfect unity to face this new battle and obtain a great victory

“Let's not give space to the right because of divisions,” he insisted
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 14/03/2024 06:50 PM

Diosdado Cabello highlighted the massive participation registered in the grassroots assemblies of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in which more than 4 million 200 thousand members unanimously elected President Nicolás Maduro as the candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution for the presidential elections scheduled for July 28 of this year.

During the 468th broadcast of his Con El Mazo Dando program, the first vice-president of the PSUV, specified that after the decision indicated by the bases, this Saturday, March 16, the Congress of the Red Awning will meet to define the revolutionary candidacy.

He highlighted the importance of the unity of the revolutionary forces to face this new battle and guarantee victory, stressing the need to abandon individual or group interests that could divide Chavism.

“We understand unity as an ethical issue of the Revolution (...), small groups should not be there,” he said and emphasized that “the unitary spirit is necessary because otherwise the right will displace us.”

“Let's not give space to the right because of divisions,” he insisted , while urging to maintain unity “to face this new battle and obtain a new victory.”

He highlighted the organizational capacity of the PSUV, which he maintained is one of Commander Chávez's most important creations.

Commander Chávez's political vision is concentrated on the party,” he said and recalled that in his words the supreme leader of the Bolivarian Revolution always viewed the PSUV as “the guarantee of the continuity of the revolutionary process.”

He pointed out that among the characteristics that demonstrate the level of organization of the PSUV, the militancy of the pink awning currently has a presence in 267,000 streets, 47,000 communities and 15,850 Bolivar-Chávez Battle Units (UBCH) in the country.

“We have parish, municipal and state teams across the country. These groups are instructed to be the first to arrive at the place where a problem occurs in their territory,” he stressed.

He reiterated that this entire organization is based on the conscience of a People that fights and defends sovereignty against internal and external enemies .

“We don't fall for lies, we shouldn't fall for lies. Feet on the ground always. We know that we are not facing just any enemy, but the most powerful empire of all time, (...) and it has been our turn, the sons of Bolívar and Chávez, to face it and defeat it,” he said.

Elections without interference

Regarding the enemies of the Fatherland, he dismissed the accusations raised by the United States and its European allies against the electoral process of July 28.

In this regard, he specified that “the simple fact that the United States intends to get involved in an electoral process does not make them free but manipulated.”

“A few days ago, news came out to the effect that U.S. senators are asking for the re-imposition of sanctions against Venezuela in the run-up to the presidential elections (...). And they're asking for free elections, and how could they be free if they're threatening our President?” , he pondered.

He also questioned Chilean President Gabriel Boric, whom he urged to address the internal problems faced by the southern nation.

“We are not interested, regardless of your opinion, how many Mapuches are there imprisoned in Chile for defending the rights of indigenous peoples? How many young people lost their sight during the protests? Why are you messing with Venezuela? You don't have moral authority, you're too small to mess with Venezuela,” he said.

Haiti and Imperial cruelty

The also president of the Permanent Committee on Internal Policy of the National Assembly, lamented the crisis of violence faced by Haiti, pointing to North American imperialism as the main culprits.

“Can anyone believe that the assassination of the Haitian president (Jovenel Moïse) was not known to the United States?” , questioned and did not hesitate to assert that the current crisis is due to imperialism's plans against this nation.

“Do you know why they (the United States) are vicious towards Haiti? Because it is the first free territory on this continent; Haiti was independent before any territory and it is not forgiven because it has a heavy burden of racism against a people, and they turn their backs on it,” he denounced.

For this reason, the leader urged the militancy and leadership of the PSUV to accompany acts in solidarity with this nation and to denounce the atrocities being committed against this Caribbean nation by the United States and its European allies.

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