

Cabello: We are a small town, but we are not afraid of anyone

Extraordinary session of the National Assembly
Con el Mazo Dando

Published at: 06/12/2023 04:03 PM

In an extraordinary session of the National Assembly, the deputy of the Homeland Bloc, Diosdado Cabello, exalted the dignity of the Venezuelan people, demonstrated by the consultative referendum last Sunday, December 3, in defense of Guiana Essequiba.

“We are a small town, but we are not afraid of anyone (...) We are not arrogant, we are a very dignified people and we have acted in accordance with the Constitution and the Law; we have been passing every obstacle they have put on us, there are not a few of them,” said Cabello from the Federal Legislative Palace.

During the first discussion of the draft Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba, it was pointed out that none of the countries, mainly the United States, that support Guyana would allow a discussion to take place in their territory “about membership or not, and that this country does not participate”, for which he criticized that imperialism intends “an orchestrated robbery” against Venezuela.

The parliamentarian stressed that the lesson given by the Venezuelan people with the overwhelming victory of “yes” in the popular consultation, “ has them troubled, because we come out stronger, more united”, highlighting the active participation in the defense of Essequibo of political sectors not aligned with the Bolivarian Revolution.

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