

Cabello: Venezuela is experiencing extraordinary fervor as in the time of Commander Hugo Chávez

“An overflowing love, a passion,” said Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 05/06/2024 08:20 PM

This Wednesday, June 5, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, stressed that in Venezuela there is an extraordinary fervor for the Bolivarian Revolution, as in the time of Commander Hugo Chávez.

“An overwhelming love, a passion, we didn't see a single bad face all the way,” he highlighted when referring to the activity he attended this Tuesday, June 4, in the state of Trujillo, together with the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.

Cabello emphasized that “hope is on the street, it's the same hope as it was a long time ago, 25 years ago that he was born with Commander Chávez.”

“That's what I sense and look, I've been doing this for a while now. I have been seeing faces, faces and receiving hugs from people for 25 years,” he said during his Con El Mazo Dando program, broadcast number 479.

He reiterated that the day was very nice, “the first thing we did was go to Isnotú, where José Gregorio Hernánde z is (...) the Museum is already in operation”.

“Some of the (Episcopal) Conference don't like that José Gregorio is a saint, but hey, that's an old story. He is the saint of the People, he doesn't need much confirmation because the People have already accepted him as such, especially the humble people”.

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