

Cabello urged the PSUV to remain alert across the country to conspiracies

Press conference of the National Directorate of the PSUV
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 22/01/2024 02:05 PM

This Monday, January 22, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, urged the red curtain to inform and remain vigilant throughout the country in the face of conspiracy plans against the Homeland.

“The PSUV must become, from this moment on, replicate each of the information given; let all of Venezuela know it (...) In addition, the call is for the PSUV to keep us vigilant, attentive, alert, aware of every detail, observe and report through regular channels, so that the information reaches where it needs to go,” Cabello said during a PSUV press conference.

He assured that in this new conspiracy against the country, an assassination was planned against the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, as well as of leaders of the Bolivarian Revolution. At the same time, he denounced that they are articulated by agents of “the CIA and the DEA, operating from Colombia against our country”.

He stressed that these events had already been reported by the National Executive and now the Public Ministry has announced an investigation and ordered the capture of those who are participating in these actions.

He recalled that the last attempt to destabilize the Homeland was this January 1, 2024. “When the people of Venezuela were giving each other a hug (...) a group of mercenaries, because they have no other name, traitors to the Homeland, retired civilians and soldiers, in active reserve, with some contacts, they were going to stab the Fatherland, they were going to enter through Táchira,” he said.

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