

Cabello: Treason against the Fatherland is punishable here with disqualification and in the US with the death penalty

Con el Mazo Dando Program #463
Con el Mazo Dando

Published at: 31/01/2024 09:07 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, during the broadcast of his program Con el Mazo Dando #463, criticized the fact that the United States government insists on meddling in the nation's internal affairs by questioning the decisions that the legal system allows to happen.

In that regard, Cabello read some excerpts from United States Federal Law, specifically those found in Code 18, where it is emphasized that tradition is a federal crime defined as “waging war against the United States or adhering to its enemies, providing them with help and comfort.”

According to American law, “whoever, owing loyalty to the United States, wages war against them or joins their enemies, providing them with help and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and will suffer death, or will be imprisoned and fined, and unable to hold any office in the United States (...) Being accused of treason, sedition , or subversive activities can destroy their reputation and career. It can also lead to you losing your freedom for many years, so you need experienced legal representation.”

Faced with this, he questioned the double standard of the North American empire in opposing the decisions of political disqualification of some representatives of the extremist right, who from their position called for aggressions, sanctions and invasions for Venezuela.

“There is no death penalty here, but this is what the United States says and with that they have applied death to a number of people that they consider to be a threat (...) that is what their laws establish, nobody in the world criticizes them for their laws, but they like to stick their noses where no one calls them, they like to be professional experts”.

Cabello assured that they will not frighten the revolutionaries, “I guarantee you, they will not frighten us (...) I am going to repeat it a thousand times the United States or any country in the world tries something against Venezuela, we are going against its lackeys here.”

In this regard, he explained in Venezuela, the decisions have been taken in accordance with the constitution, including the disqualification one; which is based on article 130 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which reads: Venezuelans have the duty to honor and defend the homeland, its symbols and cultural values; to protect and protect the sovereignty, nationality, territorial integrity, self-determination and interests of the Nation.

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