

Cabello to the PSUV: We are going to the tasks at hand, permanent organization and review of structures

Press Conference of the National Directorate of the PSUV
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 01/04/2024 03:00 PM

“We are going to the tasks that lie ahead of us: permanent organization, review of all structures, complete structures that have some type of deficiency, evaluation, permanent changes, to correct errors and achieve the Great Victory of July 28,” he urged thefirst vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón.

In addition, Cabelló Rondón assured that the PSUV will go to the electoral contest united, “as our Commander commands, in unity, struggle, battle and victory, a unit of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.”

In that sense, he pointed out that sectors of the right wing have their candidates and we have ours, “may the one with the most votes win.”

“The right wing is still fighting among them; that doesn't make us happy, but it doesn't bother us either. Hopefully they will fix their problems and be able to sit down, although every time they have a chance to speak they insult each other, they call themselves traitors. Let us remain united, together as indicated by our Commander Hugo Chávez,” he said.

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