

Cabello to the militancy: Let's do the job of including someone who hasn't voted for Chavism in the 1x10

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 27/05/2024 01:47 PM

This Monday, May 27, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, urged the militancy of the revolutionary forces to comply with the instructions of President Nicolás Maduro, to include in the 1x10 register people who have never voted for Chavism.

The president gave us the task that every 1x10 of the structures must have at least one person who has not voted for Chavism (...) each of us must include someone who has never voted for Chavism, whether they have previously voted for the opposition or who is a routine abstentionist and mobilize them,” he stressed.

Also, during the PSUV press conference, he highlighted that the red awning has 1 million 846 thousand 505 registered paintings and each of them must fulfill this task. At the same time, he highlighted the great mobilizations that the beautiful people of Venezuela have throughout the country in support of President Maduro.

“We have been in beautiful mobilizations all over the country that do not allow us to take stock, to verify the 1x10, the machinery, the combative spirit of our militancy, the morale of our people for this battle of July 28, that's why we are so certain of the victory of July 28, we can read it in our people,” he emphasized.

He reaffirmed the great organizational response that the People have taken in the face of the elections. “In the 1x10, never before, in such a short time, has there been such a strong organizational response as those we are currently experiencing for these elections,” he said.

He pointed out that this is the reason why, “for days now, the opposition has been dealing with the story of fraud, they have been following the story that 'they are not clean or transparent elections', it is the same discourse of all the electoral events in the country and it will be the same result of the vast majority of electoral events in this country, a resounding triumph of the revolutionary forces”.

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