

Cabello to the international community: Castañeda is engaged in a terrible plot against the country

Sectorial Vice President of Policy, Public Security and Peace, Diosdado Cabello Rondón
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 14/09/2024 09:11 PM

Regarding the capture of the active U.S. military, Wilbert Joseph Castañeda, this Saturday the sectoral vice-president of Politics, Citizen Security and Peace, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, alerted the international community that the detainee is involved in terrorist operations against Venezuela, in conspiracy with the national extreme right.

During an interview with TeleSUR, Cabello anticipated media manipulation regarding the case. “To the international community that it is clear what is happening here in Venezuela (...) Castañeda is under arrest. Yes, under the Venezuelan regime, with respect for human rights, yes, but he is engaged in a terrible plot against the country, there is no doubt about that,” he said.

In this regard, he pointed out that the media in the world will try to distort information, “but internally, to Venezuelans, let them have the peace of mind that we are doing the right thing to prevent this from going beyond where it has arrived.”

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