

Cabello to the Bolivarian Socialist Workers' Central: Revolution without workers is not revolution (+photos)

Meeting of the National Directorate of the PSUV with the Bolivarian Socialist Workers' Federation
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 22/03/2024 01:53 PM

“A revolution without workers is not a revolution,” said the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, during a meeting with the Bolivarian Socialist Workers' Central (CBST)

During the activity, Cabello assured that the war against the union sector belongs to those who feel like the boss and not part of a revolution. In some sectors “there is sabotage against unions”, but we must realize that “the transversal axis of a revolution is the workers”.

In this regard, Cabello insisted that this type of meeting should be held monthly.

For his part, Francisco Torrealba, member of the National Directorate of PSUV, who was also present at the meeting, pointed out that there is agreement with the way of reviewing collective agreements, adapted to the change of new times.

Meanwhile, the president of the Bolivarian Socialist Workers' Central (CBST), Wills Rangel, assured that for a long time, in some cases, a dangerous policy was installed to combat unions, which has been defeated in Revolution.

Likewise, Zoemith Coai insisted that in the construction of socialism, the role of the working class is fundamental (...) so “we must understand the Bolivarian Socialist Workers' Central, as the trade union body of the PSUV”.

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