

Cabello to Daniel Habif: Imbecile, We Will Win!

The Mexican speaker published a video addressed to the first vice-president of the red awning
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 14/03/2024 08:18 PM

From the social network X, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello answered the Mexican speaker Daniel Habif, dismissing his public and well-known affinity with the coup and the ignorance of the legitimate institutions of Venezuela, he assures that he will come to the country where he will walk “freely in La Carlota”.

This reaction of the Mexican, known for being a promoter of profound positivism, came after the revolutionary leader drew attention to the unusual change in position of the hitherto guaidosista Habif, who actively participated in the attempted invasion from Colombia in February 2019, by promoting illegal entry from Cucuta with his speech given at the Venezuela Aid Live event, organized by the United States.

In addition, that same year, and more recently in 2023, he wrote from the social network Twitter (so called for the date) against the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution.

“Now the guy is coming to Venezuela, on the 2024 World Tour. I'm not missing it,” Cabello said Wednesday night from his show. Cabello also addressed Habif and reminded him that the Head of State is still Nicolás Maduro, so he asked him during the broadcast “Are you going to 'walk through La Carlota'? , because he himself stated that he wants to walk through that sector with a seven-star flag”, a message with which Habif also joins the extremist movement that ignores national symbols.

Before finishing, and after having assured that he was not attuned to Con El Mazo Dando, where in the last edition Cabello showed a video where the opponent Andrés Caleca regretted that he had been blocked from the social network X, so the first vice-president of the PSUV proceeded to unblock it, the Mexican H Abif makes the same mention that “I understand that for two years he has blocked it on his networks social”.

Habif's misfortunes are added to the long list of “artists”, showmen and influencers who, after the failure of Juanito Alimaña and the imperial plans, express their desire to visit Venezuela, forgetting that everyone swore that they would return when “the dictatorship” fell.

Here is the evidence of what Habif now denies, repeating the pattern of those who now don't know Guaidó and don't know what Venezuela Aid Live is.

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