

Cabello: Those who are doomed to fail are the homelders!

Solemn session of the legislative council of the state of Lara for the birth of the eponymous hero Jacinto Lara
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 28/05/2024 02:54 PM

The deputy to the National Assembly for the faction of the Bloc de la Patria, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, reaffirmed this Tuesday that “those who are doomed to failure are the people who sell the Fatherland, those who do not love the Fatherland”.

In this regard, he stressed that by taking men like Father Simon Bolivar and Jacinto Lara as an example, “we patriots cannot fail” the noble people of Venezuela.

During the solemn session of the legislative council of the state of Lara for the birth of the eponymous hero Jacinto Lara, he reaffirmed that in order to defend the Fatherland, we must love it first, as did the heroes and heroines of our independence.

“Patriots love their country, they will never hear a true patriot ask for military intervention against their country, they will never hear a real or true patriot ask for sanctions or blockades against their own country, ask for persecution just because of the ambition to power,” he said.

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