

Cabello: Those sick of hate who remain with their hatred, we will defend our Homeland with love

Diosdado Cabello, deputy to the AN and head of the Bloc de la Patria
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 06/12/2023 03:45 PM

The deputy and head of the patriotic caucus of the National Assembly (AN), Diosdado Cabello, asserted that despite the hatred of a minority of an opposition sector, there is a large majority of Venezuelans who do love and defend the country.

“Those sick of hate who remain with their hatred, we will remain with our love for the Homeland, who are going to defend it against whoever, whenever and however,” he said.

Cabello's statements were made when he presented the Organic Bill for the Defense of Guiana Essequiba in an extraordinary session this Wednesday in the Chamber of the Legislative Palace, where he urged that this legal instrument be approved quickly “to connect their souls to some and realize that there is a majority of Venezuelans who do want to defend their homeland.”

In this regard, he handed over the Bill to the President of the National Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, with the following message: “Long live the Fatherland! Long live our Guiana Essequiba! Long live Chávez!” , he emphasized.

In addition, she rejected the hatred of a sector of the opposition against the queen of triple jumping, Yulimar Rojas “just because she said that the Venezuelan Essequibo persecuted her and accused her of hate,” she condemned.

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