

Cabello: The Revolution rescued the spaces of the Ateneo de Caracas and turned it into UNEARTE

Con El Mazo Dando Program
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/02/2024 11:08 PM

In his program this Wednesday, February 28, Con El Mazo Dando, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, recalled that in the country's capital there was a space called Ateneo de Caracas that was nothing more than a center for private entertainment that was built by the State.

“It was culture for the elites,” he said and commented that “the Athenaeum belonged to the Otero-Castillo family and every time there was a distribution of assets due to the divorce of marriage, it was left in the hands of the wife.”

At present, these spaces were rescued by the Bolivarian Revolution and are now the headquarters of the University of the Arts (UNEARTE) instead of a center for private shows.

“Because of the Revolution, that university was created and it gave access to everyone,” he said and added that “it burns on the right that the People can have access to certain sectors that, according to them, are for the privileged. For example, before the arrival of the Revolution, it was impossible to think that a young man from Caricuao could enter the Teresa Carreño Theater, so much so that if you go you will realize that the Theater has no entrance from the West but from the East of Caracas,” he said.

Cabello said that “that odious class did a lot of harm to the country, they think they are superior and that is why we reject what they represent and remind them that they will never govern again either by hook or by crook”.

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