

Cabello: The PSUV is the greatest strength and guarantee of continuity of the Bolivarian Revolution

First vice-president of the PSUV in its Con El Mazo Dando program
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 15/05/2024 11:43 PM

For Diosdado Cabello, “the greatest strength and greatest guarantee of permanence of the Bolivarian Revolution is the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)”. This was stated this Wednesday, May 15, in his Con El Mazo Dando program.

The first vice-president of the red awning added “to be sure that Commander Chávez would be happy and proud with this party because despite everything that has happened in Venezuela, the militancy has remained firm, aware, militant and dedicated.”

The Psuvist leader called on the party's leaders and urged them to always listen to the people. “Whoever doesn't want to listen to the people can't be a leader,” he emphasized.

Cabello took the opportunity to invite all those who have left to the ranks of the PSUV. “I invite you to come, with humility, because this game belongs to everyone.”

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