

Cabello: The People know that solving problems is only possible within the framework of the Revolution

“It is the hope of the people who believe and do not give up,” said Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 08/05/2024 07:57 PM

Diosdado Cabello Rondón stressed that once again hope is in the streets of Venezuela, as well as in the children and the people.

He stated that “now hope is even different from hope that of 98, 97, 96 and 95 when our Commander Chávez took to the streets, because today hope is on the street, but more conscious”.

“It is the hope of the people who believe and do not give up and who also know that the solution of problems will only be possible within the framework of the Bolivarian Revolution, never within the framework of capitalism,” said the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

He argued that “we consciously build that hope ourselves. The hope is the boys, the girls who are the future of the Fatherland and it is also Chávez, Nicolás, the People”.

In this direction, Cabello said that “Hope (People) knows that what we have achieved compared to what we can achieve, is practically nothing”.

During his Con El Mazo Dando program, broadcast number 475, he also commented that “we have been saying hello and going around the country, how beautiful”.

On those tours, he mentioned that when he entered Betijoque, in the state of Trujillo, “Betijoque is very nice, fixed, you can see that there is a government there, Sabana de Mendoza is not like that, there is no government”.

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