

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 17/04/2024 09:54 PM

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), during the 472 program of Con El Mazo Dando, presented some of the accusations against opposition leaders, including corruption, fascism and even the murder of a child.

Among the complaints filed are the festivities and waste of State resources, on Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) by Alberto Federico Ravell, who was president of this public channel in the Fourth Republic, as well as allegations to Andrés Velázquez for receiving commissions from foreign companies or businessman Ricardo Zuloaga, who had a request from Interpol before going to the United States.

He recalled that on March 24, 2023, VTV presented the plot of meritocracy in Petroleos de Venezuela, where the representatives of First Justice, including Leopoldo López and Julio Borges, received millions of bolivars to found the aforementioned political organization.

Julio Borges receives a check from PDVSA from Antonieta Mendoza de López, Leopoldo López's mother, although a family that steals together doesn't stay together, because now these fascists are active in Primero Justicia and the other in Popular Will, by the way (Julio) Borges can be forgiven for being corrupt, but not a murderer of children, you're a coward,” he reported.

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