

Cabello: The Civic-Military-Police Union must be made a reality because it is the people's struggle

“The enemies don't want us, we don't hate them, but we're going to defeat them,” said Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 19/09/2024 12:00 AM

During his Con El Mazo Dando program, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, highlighted the importance of the Civic-Military-Police Union in defending the process of change to guarantee the advance of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Cabello emphasized that this union “must be made a reality, because it is the struggle of the whole people against enemies.”

“The enemies don't want us, we don't hate them, but we're going to defeat them,” he said, while maintaining the importance of “showing them (right) that every time they try something, we come out stronger.”

He stressed that “when you swear, you commit, you put your word. If a revolutionary or a revolutionary has one thing, it is to live up to their word, to their commitment.”

In this regard, issue number 495, exalted the oath that Commander Hugo Chávez took at the time with Simón Bolívar's back, emulating the one taken by the Liberator on Monte Sacro, “thus adapted to the times”.

“Normally a revolutionary or a revolutionary has nothing material to give, when she swears she compromises the only thing she has, her skin, her life,” she stressed and assured that the revolutionary leaders Nohemí Pocaterra and María León (present in the program), “have been fighting for many years and they don't give up, they are examples for us.”

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