

Cabello: The Bolivarian Revolution has the only possibility of making any change in this country

“The Revolution is a permanent transformation towards 2030, says the document,” said Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 29/05/2024 11:00 PM

The only change in this country is only possible in the Bolivarian Revolution, as emphasized by the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón.

“The only possibility of making any change in this country is the Bolivarian Revolution,” he reiterated in his Con El Mazo Dando program, broadcast number 478.

In that regard, he stressed that this is so clear, that the only candidate in the current Presidential election contest, who has officially submitted a Government Plan to the National Electoral Council (CNE), “is Nicolás Maduro and it's called Plan for the Homeland and the 7 Transformations.”

“The Revolution is a permanent transformation towards 2030, the document says,” he said.

Cabello pointed out that the opposition sector constantly steals the ideas and slogans of the Bolivarian Revolution, in its absurd and failed attempt to get closer to the people.

“That I'm copying myself from the lady? My dear God,” Cabello exclaimed in the face of such a call from members of the right.

As an example, he recalled that at the time they began to talk about transition and stopped making that approach, “when we said yes, that there was a transition to socialism here”.

He also stated that the right wing also stole their tricolor cap, “they are a danger”, while stressing that the current motto of the extremist opposition is “People raise their faces, I'm sure they will take the song of Omar and of Good Faith”.

“They are in a permanent copy. Who is copying themselves trying to look like the People? They especially,” he said.

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