

Cabello: Since they cannot contest the victory, they come out with the fact that it is “not binding” (+Referendum)

Head of the faction for the Bloque de la Patria, deputy Diosdado Cabello
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 06/12/2023 03:27 PM

The head of the faction for the Bloc de la Patria, deputy Diosdado Cabello, asserted this Wednesday that since imperialism and its lackeys could not handle the overwhelming victory of the People in the Consultative Referendum in defense of Guiana Essequiba, they came out to say that the process was not binding.

“Since they have no way of refuting the numbers, the first thing that occurred to them was that it was 'not binding', that was the argument they were handling,” Cabello said at the extraordinary session of the National Assembly, referring to the fact that article 70 of our Constitution establishes the binding nature of the Consultative Referendum .

He also questioned the big media that are still trying to sell smoke with the issue of the binding nature. “Well everyone makes their own ladder what they want, they made it out of anime and their ladder falls by itself,” he said.

He reaffirmed that the Consultative Referendum was to hear the expression of the People and “take action on that issue, and today after that result (...) now comes to execute the People's mandate, this is a mandate”.

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