

Cabello: PSUV and the People are obliged to reinforce the dissemination of political activities

The right wing tries to silence information about the massive mobilizations of the Revolution, “changing the origin,” said Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 15/05/2024 10:41 PM

During his Con El Mazo Dando program, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, in the context of the communication war, confirmed the need for the People and the revolutionary forces to publicize all the activities, mobilizations and political days carried out at the national level.

In this regard, broadcast number 476, Cabello showed a video posted on the social network TikTok of the massive mobilization carried out in the state of Zulia, which was stolen by an account to make people believe that it was a protest against the Bolivarian Government.

“They are so shameless about how they manipulate information, that they take it out of my account and it goes straight to my TikTok account,” he argued.

In this direction, he pointed out that the right wing tries to silence the information of the massive mobilizations by “changing the origin”, while maintaining that “even that is stolen, we have to multiply our actions because it is the communication war of the whole people”.

Cabello said that this type of irregularity “is not inconsequential because that generates opinion in the world.”

For this reason, he stressed that “we are obliged to say the things we do”.

Cabello also showed some photos taken in front of the Southern Command in the United States, in which some sympathizers of the Bolivarian Revolution protested with banners and demanded that the aforementioned command stop acting against the country.

One of the photographs shows a man wearing a flannel in which you can clearly see the image of Commander Hugo Chávez.

“That is why there is nothing more powerful than the united People,” he emphasized.

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