

Cabello: Opponents can disguise themselves as they want, but nobody takes their hatred and fascism away

“The hate was not highlighted, it stood out, its expressions of hate contained,” said Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 03/07/2024 08:01 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, considered it regrettable the accusations of hate and fascism shown by spokespersons of the extremist right, for the incident that occurred in Cumanacoa, Sucre state, in which the vice-president of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez and other officials of the Bolivarian Government, were injured because of the fall of a tree, in the face of the floods generated by the impact of Hurricane Beryl.

In that sense, Cabello emphasized that “they can disguise themselves as whatever they want, their hatred and the fascism with which they act are not taken away by anyone.”

“Hate and fascism are brothers or are part of the same body. Hate appears and fascism accompanies it,” he said, while noting that during elections “it's common, very common, very common for the right to come and say: hug me dear Chavista brother, I love you, I'm your sister, I'm your brother.”

During her Con El Mazo Dando program, broadcast number 483, she said that Delcy Rodríguez is a tireless worker, revolutionary and patriot, “she went to Cumanacoa to attend to the brothers there.”

“The impact of the rains has been very strong there (...) Delcy was in the region at the height of the moment, the things of life, a tree fell on Delcy and a group of colleagues,” he said.

Faced with this fact, he reiterated that “immediately the hatred of these people came out and their expressions of contained hate were highlighted, it stood out”.

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