

Cabello on the arrest of Ledezma's son-in-law: Everything that moves around him is rotten with corruption

A new Con El Mazo Dando this Wednesday, May 15
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 15/05/2024 10:10 PM

“Can it surprise anyone that everything that moves around Antonio Ledezma is rotten with corruption?”

This was the question posed by the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, when referring to the confession of guilt made in the United States by Ledezma's son-in-law about the theft of 600 million dollars from Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).

“These characters are the same thieves as their whole lives. Antonio Ledezma was the one who bought the whale and rhinoceros (riot control vehicles) in Venezuela to throw them at the old people when they went out to protest their pensions, he was the same one who ordered the Catia checkpoint to be burned and at least 100 people died, to raid the Central University of Venezuela (UCV),” said the leader of the red awning.

It's not surprising that his son-in-law is now implicated in corruption,” he said.

Antonio Ledezma's son-in-law, Argentinian citizen Fernando Vuteff, pleaded guilty to the crime of money laundering in the order of 600 million dollars, in a lawsuit in the Southern District of Florida. His sentencing hearing will take place in August.

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