

Cabello on opposition tours: They are not for electoral purposes, they are for preparing guarimbas

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 08/05/2024 11:12 PM

This Wednesday, May 08, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, warned that the tours being carried out by the opposition are not for electoral purposes, but to revive the guarimbas.

“These tours they are doing are to prepare guarimbas, they have no electoral purpose, they have an end to disorder, guarimbas and violence, just as hope is on the street, violence is also on the street,” Cabello warned the People during his Con El Mazo Dando No. 475 program.

He also mentioned the importance of identifying sources of violence, in order to stop them and prevent the right wing from re-imposing destabilization in the country.

He reaffirmed that the path of the Bolivarian Revolution is the electoral one and he is preparing to win it. “We do have a structure, and we are going to elections with a structure to win, that would be for better and for worse it would be for them to go crazy and go to the streets to guard,” he said.

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