

Cabello on April 30th: Today is a good day for those of us who love this Homeland

Act on the occasion of the five years of the failed coup d'etat of April 30, 2019
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 30/04/2024 07:16 AM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, stressed that every April 30th will be a great day for the Revolution, but a bad day for imperialism and its lackeys.

“Today is a bad day for them and it's a good day for the People, it's a bad day for imperialism and a good day for the Revolution, it's a bad day for the enemies of the Fatherland, but a great day for the patriots who love this country,” Cabello said, recalling the failed coup of April 30, 2019.

In addition, from the distributor La Carlota de Altamira, in Caracas, he specified that new challenges are coming, such as the upcoming elections on July 28, for which revolutionaries and revolutionaries are always ready and united.

“New challenges, but they always try to misrepresent when we say: Neither by good nor by bad. It's a challenge for good reason, July 28, we are preparing, ready, united as it should be, there they should be; and for the first time in their lives we hope that they respect the rules of the game as it should be, that for the first time in their life they respect the sovereign decision of a People,” he said.

He stressed that the opposition, in its desperation, always makes mistakes and today they are paying for them with the contempt of the people.

At the same time, he warned that today hope is in the street, but we must be alert because so is violence. “Today hope is in the street, but there is also violence; hope is the People, it is the Revolution, it is Nicolás, and violence is also represented by last names; that last names will be defeated again, together with those who think they are last names, but who will never invite them to a Christmas dinner with them,” he said.

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