

Cabello on 4F: It was a rebellion against a system that was destroying a people

Podcast Chavistamente
Con el Mazo Dando

Published at: 04/02/2024 05:03 PM

During his participation in the first episode of the podcast Chavistamente, commemorating the 32nd anniversary of the Civic-Military Rebellion of February 4, 1992, this Sunday the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, highlighted the support of the Venezuelan people with the members of that anti-imperialist action.

He highlighted the immediate connection between the People and the leader of the rebellion, Commander Hugo Chávez, since “without prepared speeches... He showed his face and connected with the People, and that stopped any right-wing movement.”

“You will not find a note from the State Department of the United States Government saying that they release the political prisoners of February 4th, there is not a sign, not even in the OAS (Organization of American States), we had no commitment to them,” Cabello said.

In this regard, he stated that the 4F “was a great popular rebellion against a system that was destroying a people”, which was the one that really called for the release of the soldiers arrested for promoting the revolutionary movement.

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