

Cabello: Let's not allow fascism to occupy any place in Venezuela

Solemn session in honor of the birth of hero Jacinto Lara
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/05/2024 03:25 PM

The deputy to the National Assembly (AN), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, urged the People to guarantee peace in the country in the face of the intentions of the extreme right in the face of the elections of July 28.

“Let's not rest a day, let's not give the enemies of the Fatherland space to advance, let's not allow fascism to occupy any place in Venezuela,” he said during a solemn ceremony in honor of the birth of the hero Jacinto Lara.

In this regard, he stressed that the opposition “will be left wanting because the People are going to vote in peace this July 28 and we are going to dedicate it to Chávez, who is turning 70, and to Jacinto Lara, who was born on May 28 but in May, 28 at last,” he said while stressing that President Nicolás Maduro is a guarantee of well-being in the country.

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