

Cabello: Let's make the PSUV the party Commander Chávez always dreamed of

Con El Mazo Dando Program 469
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 20/03/2024 11:01 PM

This Wednesday, March 20, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, called on the militancy of the red awning so that together “let's make of this party what Commander Chavéz always dreamed of.”

“The PSUV has to look for ways to connect and its representatives must be the first to come out to address problems that arise in communities,” he said.

Commander Chávez would be very happy right now with what this party has been able to achieve in the midst of all the adversity,” he stressed and recalled when on December 20, 2011, he was called by the president to take charge of the PSUV and assume his vice-presidency.

“We have had some time, we have always seen and gone through proclaiming what Commander Chávez said about the strength of this party. May nothing, and no one, create fissures!” , he urged.

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