

Cabello: It must hurt us that 7 years after the murder of Orlando Figuera, justice has not reached his killers

News in development
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 21/05/2024 04:50 PM

The head of the caucus of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in the National Assembly (AN), deputy Diosdado Cabello Rondón, regretted that seven years after the assassination of Orlando Figuera, at the hands of terrorist opposition groups, even the material and intellectual authors of this act have not received justice.

“It has to hurt any human being, to make us feel ashamed, that, after seven years, the murderers, all identified, have not received the justice that this horrendous crime deserves,” he said, while recalling that one of the material perpetrators of Figuera's murder remains protected in Spain, under the protection of “political persecution”.

In this regard, he highlighted that the material perpetrators of the murder of Orlando Figuera who was burned alive are those “leaders” of the right who took young people and children to the streets to carry out terrorist actions.

“This happened here and I don't know of any sector of the Venezuelan right that has condemned these events. Very sad that we get used to this type of event and believe that it is normal to assassinate our opponents and set them on fire,” said Cabello Rondón.

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