

Cabello: In the pandemic, while the opposition called for sanctions, Maduro embraced the people

News in development
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/05/2024 02:55 PM

During the years of the Covid-19 pandemic, while the right wing was asking imperialism to sanction Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro embraced the people, said the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello.

In his participation in the Solemn Session of the Legislative Council of the state of Lara for the birth of the eponymous hero Jacinto Lara, he recalled how doomsday voices of the opposition predicted health chaos in the country due to the pandemic while the Head of State used his knowledge in foreign policy to bring medicines and vaccines to the people.

“That was a show of loyalty at the highest level, no one can deny that. Right now we are in a time of boosting loyalty, of fighting, of persevering and I am sure that this people will never give up,” he emphasized.

In the same way, Cabello Rondón highlighted the supportive nature of the Venezuelan people, urging them not to allow the “haters” of the right to “sow their hatred in the collective”.

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